07 February 2021 -- Genesis 2:1-3

Reflection Questions

  1. Christians have a complex relationship with the sabbath. How have you been taught to engage with (if at all) the notion of Sabbath? How should Jesus “reclaiming” and “ruling” inform Sabbath? 
  2. God “rested” or ceased/stopped on the seventh day “completing” creation, and a discipline of doing the same acknowledges that our dependence on Him. What makes stopping difficult for you? Logistics? Boredom? Too much to do? 
  3. God “blessed” and “sanctified” the seventh day distinguishing it from all others, but also making it a benefit to those who acknowledge it. What would it take for you to mark, set aside, or distinguish a day from the rest of the week for an occasion of Sabbath?

Selected Bibliography

Begg, Alistair. Pathway to Freedom: How God's Laws Guide Our Lives. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2003.

Camus, Albert. The Plague. Translated by Stuart Gilbert. New York, NY: Vintage Books, 1991.

Covey, Stephen. "Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw." Franklin Covey. 2019.https://www.franklincovey.com/the-7-habits/habit-7/ (accessed 2021).

Goldingay, John. Old Testament Theology: Volume 3, Israel's Life. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009.