24 January 2021 -- Genesis 1:3-25

Reflection Questions

  1. What tends to be the focus of the conversations that you have heard surrounding Genesis 1? Are they more place of interest or person of interest focused? How does this ultimately shape and guide the conversation? 
  2. We used the acronym P.O.I. (powerful, orderly, intentional) to remind ourselves of how God demonstrates His character through creation. Which do you need to be reminded of and why?
  3. What it the relationship between God’s goodness and His creation? In what ways do you see this, and in what ways do you not? What hope is there in the case of the latter? How does that hope affect your understanding of God’s goodness?

Selected Bibliography

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. "Creation and Fall." Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works: Volume 3. Edited From German by Martin and Todt, Ilse. Edited From English De Gruchy, John W: Ruter. Translated by Douglas S. Bax. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2004.

Longman III, Tremper & Dillard, Raymond B. An Introduction to the Old Testament . Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2006.

Matthews, Kenneth A. The New American Commentary: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture - Genesis 1-11:26.United States of America: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1996.